August 24th, 2025

Hot Library Smut

  • el
  • pt
  • If I had a scanner
    I’d scan it in the morning
    I’d scan it in the evening
    All over that land…

    (I do have a picture of Anne Galloway’s ear somewhere around here, a picture taken at the University of Chicago, the tutor was there, he’ll vouch for the provenance… a picture which I will be happy to share if I can only find it.)

    August 24th, 2025

    Back door draft

    back door draft
    From The Guardian

    The US marine corps has been forced to call up its reserves for compulsory service in Iraq and Afghanistan because it has not been able to find enough volunteers - a reflection of the strain the two wars are putting on America’s armed forces.

    The marines’ involuntary call-up, seen as a “back-door draft” by Pentagon critics, is the first since the start of the Iraq war, and will begin in a few months when a first batch of up to 2,500 reservists will be summoned back to active service for a year or more. The army has already sent 2,200 reservists back to the front, of which only about 350 went voluntarily.

    August 24th, 2025

    Arrogance Checklist

    (From Collin Brooke, via Barbara Ganley, via Technorati search for JP Rangaswami’s “Confused of Calcutta.“)

    It’s a good post, tight enough that it’s hard to excerpt without turning it into chopped meat, but the following chunklets I found particularly appealing.

    It’s easy to come off … as someone who’s already figured it all out — it’s a particularly academic attitude that’s all but hammered into us, that to “not know” is a sign of weakness….

    … let’s break out the arrogance checklist for this, I was making the following assumptions:

    • An idea is only good the first time, that is, if you’re the one to “discover” it.
    • My ideas are so good that people will steal them.
    • It’s better to be first than to write well.
    • I should hoard my good ideas greedily and then spring them all at once, so that people will think my genius is pure, whole, and polished.
    • “My genius” (snort)

    It’s so unbelievably hard to get out of the habit of policing the borders of “my” ideas

    Collin broke through his concern about creating in public and bravely opened a new site called “Rhetworks: An Introduction to the Study of Discursive Networks (& itself an experiment in networked writing).”


    To maintain a blog, I would argue, is to participate in a small-world network, one that involves both clustering and connecting. The combination of these forces (embodied in any number of different kinds of gestures) results in a different kind of writing altogether.

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