September 27th, 2025

Rest easy Rose…

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  • When two goats were offered unto the Lord (and only unto the Lord) on the day of expiation, among the ancient Israelites, we read that one of them was to fall by lot to Azazel. Azazel cannot, without some hardship on the sense, be taken for the name of the scapegoat itself: But it is no other than the name of the Devil himself, as might easily be proved from the monuments of the greatest (both Jewish and Christian) antiquities.

    In the signification of the word Azazel, there is indeed a notable declaration of those two properties that have signalized the devil; his being first a powerful (brave), and then an apostate (fleeing) spirit. The scapegoat, presented as a sacrifice unto the holy God, was ordered by him to be delivered up unto Azazel upon these two intentions.
    Cotton Mather

    Iva Toguri, a brave and good-hearted American, died yesterday. We knew her as Tokyo Rose, and despite the journalism of the Chicago Tribune’s Ron Yates, few of us yet know that she was no traitor, despite her conviction and the seven years she served in prison. She was sacrificed on the altar of Walter Winchell’s post-war self-aggrandizement.

    Iva Toguri was convicted of treason because of prosecutorial subornation. Witnesses were found who were willing to lie about what they heard Ms. Toguri say on the radio. It made a great story for Walter Winchell, but ultimately her reputation was restored and Walter Winchell was revealed as the worst kind of yellow journalist. It remains for justice to be served in the case of unnamed Federal prosecutor’s subornation.

    …in 1976, Ron Yates, Tokyo bureau chief for the Chicago Tribune, interviewed the two witnesses whose testimony had led to Ms. Toguri’s conviction. They admitted that they had perjured themselves under heavy pressure. That resulted in a series of articles for the Tribune, making a powerful case for Ms. Toguri’s innocence.
    “I think the thing that makes this so important to me was that it was two journalists who got her into trouble,” Mr. Yates said recently, “and I was just happy that it was a journalist who helped right a wrong a little bit.”
    A “60 Minutes” broadcast on Ms. Toguri, narrated by Morley Safer, helped increase public support for a presidential pardon and in January 1977, on his last day in office, Mr. Ford granted her a pardon and restored her citizenship.

    September 27th, 2025

    Line rider, a toy

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