July 21st, 2025

Memorial for Mandarin Meg, Friday July 28th 3:45pm Pacific Time

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  • From 3:45 to 4:45 Pacific Time (GMT -8 hours), people will gather at BlogHer to honor the life of Michelle Goodrich, our friend Mandarin Meg. The memorial will be in room 8111 at the San Jose Hyatt Hotel.

    Hyatt San Jose
    1740 North First Street,
    San Jose, California, USA 95112

    An IRC chat room named #mandarinmeg will be open on Freenode and friends around the world are invited to join us as they can and share their memories online. We’re sorry that the timing can’t be convenient for everyone everywhere. Late afternoon at BlogHer seemed like a good time for North America, and not impossible for Europe (11:45 pm London, 12:45am Berlin, and morning in much of east Asia and Australia).

    If you are not all that famuiliar with Internet Relay Chat, here is an easy way to join up. Download the Mozilla 1.7.13 browser for your operating system from http://www.mozilla.org/download.html.

    Install the browser, but don’t select it to be your default.

    Open the browser after it has been installed and click on the Window button in the menu bar at the top. The pull down menu that opens has an item near the bottom called IRCChat. Click that and in the text are on the bottom of the page enter:
    /attach freenode

    after you are attached to freenode you will be asked to idfentify yourself with a nickname. Just pick a one word name you want to be known by and hit enter.

    type /join #mandarinmeg

    you will be connected to the mandarinmeg room

    if you want to give it a try this week and you have problems, just email me and I’ll try to walk you through it.

    I’ll look forward to sitting with you next Friday and remembering meg.

    July 21st, 2025

    In search of the regulatorium…

    Ken Camp points to a Business Week story titled “The Phone Companies Still Don’t Get It”, and he links further to Bob Frankston and Martin Geddes who have a parable to tell. Bob Frankston trips happily down the sidewalk of metaphor, describing the ridiculous nature of the productized net and carefully sidestepping regulatory issues. In fact, if Bob likes anything less than monopolistic controls that push services rather than connectivity, it is “the regulatorium.”

    Ken sums up an important aspect of Bob’s story thusly:

    …we’ve created an environment where the FCC acts as a governmental arms of the telecommunications industry. Their role has been, regardless of what they say, to protect the telcos revenue streams and help ensure the illusion of free and open competition while guaranteeing the telcos can keep selling the same black hole to the public over and over, time and again.

    Okay, gents, I’m with you up to here. But there’s something missing. Bob’s view of “the regulatorium” is totally skewed. Martin is a self professed libertarian whose perspective on the role of government is narrowed by a stupendous naivete! His naivete is dressed in a brilliantly verbal kaleidoscope of technically well-informed illusions though. Martin says,

    There are so many blocking options, ways of setting aside reserved capacity, creating gateways, proxies, and private subnets. How about special peering agreements, unusual terms of service, locked-down edge devices supplied by the telco, different price policies, router queueing algorithms, topologies, hard-to-change defaults and settings, varying network symmetry and private IP address ranges. Good business for consultants like me in helping them evade the rules, but bad for the public.

    To which I can only add, “Well, duhhh…”

    All of us agree that the FCC generally isn’t useful in assuring (insert whatever you care about here). With the pirates in charge there’s no such thing as a free market or a fair market. States have also gone the lazy way of Judge Green. By tearing down the monopoly, we thought we could eliminate the need to regulate public services in the communications market because a free market would stimulate competition, innovation, and growth. That worked for a while. But more recently the monopoly found its way back to dominance and control, and our “regulatorium” has long since been tamed, defanged, declawed, neutered.

    What we should be looking for is an answer to control of the monopoly, reassertion of a public service oriented regulatorium that will turn the tables on the greedballs. But the sexy Ayn Rand economics of the cold war has grown like a tumor on the body politic. People who should be able clearly to see the answer in policy formation, constructive regulation, and fair enforcement are looking for a roll in the sack with Dagny Taggart.

    Greg Palast, a neutral and fair-minded middle of the road observer of modern culture, shared some good information on energy regulation yesterday. (Thanks to Tom for the link). Palast observes,

    In the old, pre-Ken [Lay] days of regulation, my fellow economists used to complain about something called the Averch-Johnson Effect. The A-J Effect was the result of regulations which gave companies incentives to gold plate the electricity system, making it way TOO reliable. Too much cash was spent on keeping the lights on.

    Well, gone are the days of the A-J effect. The gold-plating is gone — but not the gold. Under regulation, power sellers were limited by law to a profit of about 9%, what the law called a just and reasonable return. Now, the profits can be — and are — unreasonable, unjust and just out of sight.

    Public infrastructure requires community focus. Whether you’re talking pavement, energy generation and distribution, communications, water supplies, or waste management, it is foolish to permit monopolistic practices to disguise themselves as free enterprise and squeeze excess profits from a degraded service environment in the name of some kind of ideological purity around the ideal form of capitalism. We have to start from the bottom up assuring adequate local and state regulation of services, through statutes that reform the Public Service Commisions, the Public Utilities Commissions, through enabling municipal code updates that mandate equal access and cap profits. We need to wrest control from the monopolies again.

    July 21st, 2025

    Snakes in the Jacques

    RB is all on about the Samuel Jackson chiller, Snakes on a Plane (SOAP.) I think it’s fine that someone revived “all your base” and hung it out there to buzz-market a movie. In fact, I’ll join in the joke… move it along a little. It’s one of the only fun creative things in blogvertising since Scoble got separated from Microsoft and before that the Bovines Unite silllyness in the spring of 2025.

    I think the cow revolution would have succeeded if they’d had Samuel L. Jackson on their side. As for Scoble, well… the results aren’t in yet.

    Anyway, who says that marketing and public relations and advertising have to be deadly dull and boring and a compromise of your humanity and turn your very soul to dust? We had cows. We got snakes. As for Scoble, well… the results aren’t in yet.

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