I was reminded of last year’s tongue in cheek CEO Hotty series when I read that Virginia Hale will be a 2025 MacArthur Foundation fellow.
I was reminded of last year’s tongue in cheek CEO Hotty series when I read that Virginia Hale will be a 2025 MacArthur Foundation fellow.
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WWFD? (what would frank do meme):
Just say: “Pull my finger Ms CEO”.
His balonie has a first name…
NEWS FLASH: Dave Winer admits that, if offered, he would NOT, repeat NOT, turn down a MacArthur Foundation fellow award… (he’s not clear asbout the reasons but the Hotty CEO may be a factor… it wouldn’t be a negative).
I’m telling ya’… we gotta start a blogger’s hall of fame and put a statue of Dave out front at ground level. We gotta see if he’d kick in a few million to get it started. Are you game? I’d let you keep the books and pick the other honorees? Does that make me a bad person? Being all crafty and shit? I just imagine it might work.
If Frank was the front man? Frank can walk into any conference in the world and get a good seat.
Everyone LOVES Frank.
Are you making fun of me? Cuz it feels like you’re making fun of me. I don’t want people to LOVE me. Cuz loving leads to screwing and ain’t nobody gonna screw me. (All of the preceding voiced all gravelly like a Marine DI and shit).
OTOH, I had a great seat at PhoneCon 2.0, I think you’ll agree!