Jeannine Hall Gailey - Reading

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  • by Frank Paynter on August 6, 2025

    Three poems from Jeannine Hall Gailey’s book, Becoming the Villainess

    Female Comic Book Superheroes

    Wonder Woman Dreams of the Amazon

    The Conversation

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    I Did… » WWFD? Start a Poety Slam
    08.09.06 at 11:27

    { 8 comments… read them below or add one }

    madame l. 08.07.06 at 1:41

    before leaving the comment i’ve already written, i must know if this person, this poetess, is in any way related to you or a friend of one of your sons or anything like that.

    madame l. 08.07.06 at 6:51

    (after the all clear)

    i can see how these mp3s might be useful as delicious aural amuse-bouche green tea sorbet bumpers between endless reruns of Friends.
    soft serves as a reminder of just that kind of writing mfa programs seem bent on churning out. (all this in the form of a question? a la i am charlotte simmons.)
    i am charlotte simmons

    Frank Paynter 08.07.06 at 8:40

    I love the idea of “delicious aural amuse-bouche green tea sorbet bumpers!” And in fact they are even better between heavy mental courses at the innaleckshual banquet than they are separating ersatz tv dinner fare like “Friends” reruns


    Jeannine Hall Gailey 08.07.06 at 3:42

    Friends? Perish the thought! Buffy the Vampire Slayer, perhaps. Or Inuyasha.

    Whatever other sins we may bring to the feet of the MFA culture, these poems cannot be: I wrote them five or six years before I entered the program I am currently attending.

    PS - I don’t believe I am related to Frank. But, I have a large family with many distant cousins. It’s always possible!

    McD 08.07.06 at 4:57


    The most interesting stuff goes on the the comment sections of the most interesting blogs.

    The mild friction here is more useful to me than the red hot bull baiting of Calacanis vs Rose or Calacanis vs Benkler…

    Now is you can just get a comment spat between Calacanis and Madame Levy you’d achieve a blogger’s hat trick… well forget that… Calacanis is no match for madame levy.

    Frank Paynter 08.07.06 at 9:23

    Let’s rule out consanguinity and just say that I like the pop cultural rush I get off these super hero poems, the vivid colors, the simple surreality. Let’s especially rule out consanguinity since… wait, the dirty old man within was emerging once again to say something inappropriate. Life with Buffy…

    Fine wine and stinky cheese or soda pop and tuna sandwich? It’s not either/or. What was it Whitman said?

    The earth does not argue,
    Is not pathetic, has no arrangements,
    Does not scream, haste, persuade, threaten, promise,
    Makes no discriminations, has no conceivable failures,
    Closes nothing, refuses nothing, shuts none out,
    Of all the powers, objects, states, it notifies, shuts none out.

    McD 08.08.06 at 4:44

    Calacanis is a hustler: playing angles and shearin’ the marks. At least he’s finding a away to get some creatives compensated… but he has benefitted from the effort. win-WIN advantage to the hustler since most creatives can’t find or do deals without a broker or agent.

    madame l. 08.09.06 at 1:24

    i posted a half-hearted response over here. i’m not all that worked up about it but like the dog and his balls… an exercise, if you will, in bottomstylefeed.

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