Madame Levy’s Banner

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  • by Frank Paynter on August 6, 2025

    In her book, “Blogging for Fun and …well, for Fun,” Madame Levy ’splains the enormous pleasure one can derive by messing with the banner contents on a Typepad blog. Where some are content to slam a logo and fuhgeddaboutit, Levy displays continuously shifting content in that space, content seemingly disconnected from the flow of the blog posts below, yet often providing a narrative harmony or counterpoint. The content is always personal and provides hints regarding the artist’s quotidian attention flow.

    16 July, 1995

    Dear Prometheans

    As we all know, there’s no such thing as too many societies for smart folk like us. I have therefore decided to found another. But this one will be a society with a difference: the entrance requirement will be an attitude, not an IQ score. Shoot, we all know that ‘tude is where it’s at, anyway, don’t we? So I’d like to announce the birth of IFIS, officially Intellect For Intellect’s Sake, unofficially–and actually–the Incredibly Fucking Intelligent Society. Entrance will be based on how you do on our untimed, unsupervised, self-scoring multiple-choice test, the BRAIN [PDF file] (harBeck Razor for Attitude towards INtelligence), which I have devised. Since it’s self-scoring, there is no scoring fee (I’m not so hard up for money that I’d actually charge you for this!). Send your scores to me. There is no membership fee, as it is extremely unlikely that we will ever get around to having a newsletter or anything. Proposed questions for additions to the BRAIN are also welcomed. All questions undergo a stringent norming (if I can figure them out, they’re in; if not, they’re obviously wrong or illogical).

    I look forward to further fellowship with those worthy enough.

    Yours brightly, James Harbeck.

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