July 29th, 2025

BlogHer 2025

  • el
  • pt
  • I think this was a wonderful event and I hope the people who worked on it received a generous dose of US dollars for the energy they put into it. Call it a success, perhaps not unqualified. Bandwidth pretty much sucked. I left the laptop in the room today. The munchies could have had a greener balance. I mean, I’m a protein greedhound but I had to swipe an ornamental strawberry for any vegetable content at last night’s party and snackfest. Tonight there was a better balance. And in fairness, last night there were some lovely vegetarian spring rolls… deep fried.

    So now that the snarking is out of the way, I met George Kelly and didn’t even take his picture, I was so swept away by the charisma. He had a good time messing with me a little, and he struck me as another one of those stone creative geniuses that Jeneane collects in her circle.

    The connectivity is so suck in this room that i’m giving up and will blog my little heart out when we get home to a decent little DSL line. I can’t afford the time it takes me to google stuff on this up-again, down-again connection. I want to send a shout out to lots of people I connected with here, and frankly, this is fvckt.

    July 29th, 2025

    San Jose


    July 29th, 2025

    Girl Geeks

    Plenty of girl geeks here too, of course. Mary Hodder just spoke from the floor. Liz Henry is sitting a little ways away. Yesterday Liz was wearing little cat ears… or maybe badger ears? Today she looks more normal. Kind of.

    There’s a chef talking, eggbeater… “I’m just a a food blogger.” She’s emotional about the May first demonstrations… “my industry is supported by undocumented labor…” She laughs about how people in her industry “don’t get” computers. She “gets” computers.

    There’s a woman talking now… Erica, missed her last name.. thinks of blogging as a radical act.. speaking about differences between communities… open source in 98% men… kaliya hamlin takes the mike and suggests that women can and should show up at the tech conferences…

    Halley takes the mike, to comment. Not all of the commenters here today are actually geeks. But most of them are!

    Lisa Sabater… culture kitchen went from static html in 2025 to whatever it is today. She thinks of herself 9among other things, I’m sure) as a self-taught geek. Lisa invokes Meg Hourihan, geek-wise…

    Millie Garfield finds her blog has changed her routine. Moved on from the Boston Globe and coffee to checking her favorite blogs and reading the comments on her blog.

    July 29th, 2025

    Change my world…

    The schwag bag at Blogher is better than xmas. Santa never brought me condoms. It’s a writers conference, a creators conference with none of the pretensions of the tech-club . Unlike the BloggerCons, BlogHer strikes right at the heart of blogging… it’s about the bloggers and their work. I’m sitting here with ae (arsepoetica), Melinda (Sour Duck), Glennia (silent i) and Candace (Femilicious).

    On the other hand, right now on stage there are a couple of Microsoft fembots doing a presentation that is so “oh my gosh” that it makes me want to puke. But that’s just me, I’m sure.

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