A clear list of issues the candidates must address…

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 17, 2025

    This from Ronni Bennett a few days ago (thanx to Bill Meloney for the link):

    Candidates can be specific in laying out their goals for the United States without producing 80-page, footnoted position papers that will be outdated by inauguration day. It’s not hard.

    [Ronni] would be heartened to hear Clinton and Obama (and McCain) say:

    • the Constitution has been trashed and must be restored
    • the U.S. has supported and committed torture and it must end
    • the economy has been wrecked by the power elite in both government and corporate America and that greed will stop, regulations will be enforced
    • the Iraq War has been a disaster and we need a way out while acknowledging that we bear responsibility for bombing that country back to Ur
    • universal healthcare is a human right and we’ll find a way to provide it
    • our infrastructure - bridges, roads, water, sewer systems - will be fixed
    • No Child Left Behind will be canceled and we’ll figure out how to improve our schools
    • unwarranted searches and surveillance of citizens will stop
    • there will be no more fooling around about the environment
    • a fair solution will be found for immigration
    • government ethics legislation will have real teeth
    • separation of church and state will be restored
    • every last political hack (thousands of them) appointed by the Bush administration to government agencies will be fired, replaced with non-partisan competents
    • earmarks will disappear entirely from legislation – let them be properly legislated
    • the wealthy elite have had it their way long enough, reaping collective trillions of dollars on the backs of the middle and lower classes and now it is their turn to pay it back

    There is so much the candidates could talk about instead of giving exact dates for a pullout from Iraq, bickering over who said what about NAFTA to Canada along with declarations of who is best qualified to take a 3AM phone call… no one is.

    If these issues concern you too, why not publicize them?

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    03.29.08 at 7:19

    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Norm Jenson 03.17.08 at 10:03

    Sweet, blogging just got a whole lot easier—just take Frank’s content and repost it.

    Ronni Bennett 03.18.08 at 4:27

    It is infuriating that Senator Obama’s pastor has led the news for several days now. It’s as much a non-issue as the scare tactics nearly 50 years ago that the Pope would run the U.S. if John Kennedy was elected.

    And just this morning, I saw a news headline somewhere about how badly Senator Clinton dresses.

    We-the-poeple must stand up and demand intelligent, thoughtful debate - and action - on the real issues. The scariest part is that even if the candidates (Congressional as well as presidential) addressed anything in on that list, there is still ten months until there is a “regime change” and god knows where the country will be by then.

    It’s terrifying.

    Frank Paynter 03.18.08 at 7:50

    Norm… I couldn’t ask for a nicer compliment.

    Ronni… I’m using Norm’s easy blogging strategy re-posting your content.

    Have any of the candidates commented on Bear Stearns? Do we know where they stand on regulation of derivative trading and hedge fund regulation? Will the insurance company obligations be capped by a policy that encourages inflation? Since nobody has the stones to handcuff Bush right now, how much more damage will he and his ilk be allowed to inflict before they are out of office? That ten months you mention looks like a very long time right now.

    ahfukit 03.18.08 at 9:15

    Might this be his “ditch the Left” moment? Not insignificant, if so (see list.)

    Crazy Uncle = True Left?

    Guess they knew it was coming:

    Mr. Wright, who has long prided himself on criticizing the establishment, said he knew that he may not play well in Mr. Obama’s audition for the ultimate establishment job.

    If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me,” Mr. Wright said with a shrug. “I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen.”


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