“There are many metaphors for telling of this tension between centring and displacement. One thinks for instance of Deleuze’s and Guattari’s distinction between arborescence and rhizome.” –John Law, Actor Network Theory and After
Leslie’s in the woods snapping wildflower pictures and Amazon sent me the following message (coincidence? I don’t think so…):
As someone who has purchased or rated books by Bruno Latour, you might like to know that Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies) will be released on September 6, 2025. [An advertisement for a re-print. The link I've provided is to the hardcover -- fp]
Meanwhile, Doc is setting out on a 3000 mile road trip en famille and Jeneane posted a quick video on my Facebook wall making her the first blogger to do a breathing treatment on Facebook. But you can’t see it if we haven’t done the Facebook Friendly Dance. Which is stupid. But danah says walled gardens are a good place for the young ‘uns to play without fear of molestation, which deserves its own post titled “From Burningman to Abu Ghraib — Facebook APIs and Corporate Advertising.” But that would be as tedious to write as it would be painful and boring to read.
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
madame l. 08.25.07 at 12:32
first: the “indian pipe” is a stolen photo. only grows in new england, maybe.
second: laughed my ass off at jeneane’s video. out and loud.
thirdly: not biting on the BOYD. you know very well my opinions on THIS MATTER. and i hate annie whatever her name is: pathetic hipster burning man going people’s favourite “singer”. hate her. period. talentless wood bee lesbian.
academic offal fodder.
Frank Paynter 08.25.07 at 5:36
a) Grows in Wisconsin too.
b) I take it that the boyd is NOT the woyd.
c) I knew that, actually.
4) Favourite has no u.
madame l. 08.25.07 at 5:47
There is no U in UK.
Frank Paynter 08.25.07 at 6:52
I ran across the word “centring.” Didn’t mean 100th ring or anything like it. Meant “centering” but was spelt oddly because some Brit thinks “centre” is preferable to “center.”
madame l. 08.26.07 at 2:13
Sorry: Ani. (That ex-centring-ic songstress.)
Please remember to bring lots of water to BM this year.
Frank Paynter 08.26.07 at 6:53
I knew which animoose you meant.
Jon Husband 08.26.07 at 10:45
“favourite” does so have an “u”. So do “labour” and “neighbour”. It’s only proper .. just ask Andrew Keen.
Try saying it without the “u” up here (of course you can hear the difference) and nobody will want to be friends with you, even if you hang out in a social centre.
American efficiency, especially when centring on the use of language, isn’t the be-all and end-all, you know
But danah says walled gardens are a good place for the young ‘uns to play without fear of molestation, which deserves its own post titled “From Burningman to Abu Ghraib — Facebook APIs and Corporate Advertising.” But that would be as tedious to write as it would be painful and boring to read.
Welcome to our collective future ?
Frank Paynter 08.26.07 at 11:49
Canadians say “a-boot” when they mean “a-bowt.” Do they say “fayv-oo-rit” and “lay-boor” when they mean “fayv-rit” and “layber?”
Jon Husband 08.26.07 at 3:57
Nah .. and we don’t say “poor” when we mean “pour” .. as in another Molson’s, please !
Frank, did you ever by any chance see the Molson’s “I Am Canadian” televison advertisement ?
There’s even a slide on how to pronounce “about”
It’s a classic hout … ;-0
Frank Paynter 08.26.07 at 5:18
David Weinberger today, in a USian attempt to take back the language, spells “a-boot” “abot.” viz. Hoyt takes as his example an article abot Allen Kraus, who “once led a welfare office praised for its efforts to uncover fraud.” Elsewhere in the same post he spells it “about,” so I don’t know if he’s ambivalent or simply inconsistent.
The Molson’s ad is great! YouTube suggested a Quebec version that I watched too. It’s funny, but a little R rated.
Jon Husband 08.26.07 at 5:28
bilingual or a dual citizen, maybe ?
Remember, DW did his graduate school work at the University of Toronto. At a minimum he is an honorary Canadian.
Jon Husband 08.26.07 at 5:34
Yeah, the Quebec version is great too. I had seen it before, but forgot about it. It is replete with inside French-English Canadian jokes, and it helps greatly to have more than a passing acquaintance with Quebec and Montreal to appreciate how funny it really is.
I was lucky to have lived in Montreal from 1986 through 1992, still visit often, and miss it terribly. The newspapers keep telling me Vancouver is supposedly the most liveable city in the world, but I will always vote for Montreal (based on my experiences of the reasonable number of world cities in which I have spent time).
There is something about the Quebecker spirit, the warmth, the joie de vivre, the openness and tolerance that gets deep under your skin.