Finally spent some time sorting out CSS padding parameters and font sizes and such. I don’t think I’m done, but I think it looks a lot better now. Anyone else have an opinion?
it looks great. but i am so fucking blind that i now need a huge font. and forget about me using a laptop or a gamegirl. but aesthetically i appreciate the font and realise that this (and my indecision whether to use eng or us spelling…) is my problem.
But critical old me can’t leave it at that. Gotta make a suggestion or critique. It’s probably a very personal thing that others may really like, but I would have left a bit of left and right borders. As it is, the text and/or graphics content is up against the edges of my 1024 x 768 screen window, or no more than about 5 px off it. I would prefer a border margin maybe about the width of the scroll bar on the right. But, like I said, that’s just me…
Oh, and before you’re completely done, add a preview function for Comments.
This is a comment to test the filosofo comment preview and to announce to the waiting commenteros that I have improved the left margin, not the right… sticking with absolute values so as not to mess up the IE6 and 7 hacks that allow Microsoft impaired users to view CSS formatted pages. The page is still 1000 pixels wide, so those using 1024 and above can see it (better now with the improved left margin. 800 x 600 users will just have to use their scroll bars or find Kubrick blogs to read.
{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }
troy worman 08.05.07 at 8:32
I like it. And I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Frank Paynter 08.05.07 at 9:31
I probably should have resigned from the board before you had to boot me off. Even if it was imaginary.
JohnC 08.05.07 at 11:36
You can be on my board, Frank. Troy doesn’t appreciate Spidey art probably. Sheesh.
madame l. 08.06.07 at 3:10
it looks great. but i am so fucking blind that i now need a huge font. and forget about me using a laptop or a gamegirl. but aesthetically i appreciate the font and realise that this (and my indecision whether to use eng or us spelling…) is my problem.
fontly yours,
madame l. 08.06.07 at 3:10
plus my screen is like 3 feet wide and rising…
Winston 08.06.07 at 4:30
I like it. Superfluous!
But critical old me can’t leave it at that. Gotta make a suggestion or critique. It’s probably a very personal thing that others may really like, but I would have left a bit of left and right borders. As it is, the text and/or graphics content is up against the edges of my 1024 x 768 screen window, or no more than about 5 px off it. I would prefer a border margin maybe about the width of the scroll bar on the right. But, like I said, that’s just me…
Oh, and before you’re completely done, add a preview function for Comments.
Stu Savory 08.06.07 at 8:16
As seen with Opera V9.22 (German) without Java, on an 800*600 resolution on a 17 inch screen.
1) The page is too wide (3rd column not visible); as you perhaps using absolute widths instead of percentages?
2) Font is large enough for us old geezers.
3) You need to make the margins a little wider.
4) Not clear where the permalinks are.
5) Can’t find an ABOUT page/Impressum.
6) Pix labelled, so text-only is OK too.
7) Comments don’t have a preview.
Diana 08.06.07 at 8:51
I didnt see it before, but I will be watching… and learning. I have some work to do on my own!
Kay Dennison 08.06.07 at 11:12
I like it!
Frank Paynter 08.06.07 at 9:05
This is a comment to test the filosofo comment preview and to announce to the waiting commenteros that I have improved the left margin, not the right… sticking with absolute values so as not to mess up the IE6 and 7 hacks that allow Microsoft impaired users to view CSS formatted pages. The page is still 1000 pixels wide, so those using 1024 and above can see it (better now with the improved left margin. 800 x 600 users will just have to use their scroll bars or find Kubrick blogs to read.
Winston 08.07.07 at 12:57
10-4 good buddy. Yer cookin’ now… And lookin’ real good.
Troy Worman 08.08.07 at 2:43
I wanted to keep you on, really. It was the other members.
Frank Paynter 08.08.07 at 3:26
No problem, really. I’ll miss the generous stipend, the private jet, the per diem expenses, but life goes on.