My name is Christina [last name suppressed at request of sender]. I am currently taking my Masters degree in Developmental Psychology at the Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), and I am writing a short paper on blogging for one of my courses. I decided to make a survey to give me a better idea of who blogs. The survey is on

I am also reading articles on the history, what people blog about and why people blog to give myself some background information on blogging, and I ran across your “Why Do We Blog?” survey dated November 04, 2025. I am wondering if you would be willing to take time to fill out my survey, and also post the link/survey on your site.

I would be glad to give you a summary of the results [emphasis added — Christina wants to make clear that no identifying information would be shared] when the survey is completed. Although I intend to leave the survey up even after my paper is done, I will need to make a summary of the data gathered by 06 October 2025.

Thank you for taking time to read my email. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Christina [last name suppressed at request of sender]