September 22nd, 2025

Some attention is probably better than no attention…

  • el
  • pt
  • I’ve been mulling the almost infra dig treatment that One Web Day received. Oh, there were a gaggle of Berkmanites, past and present, who touted it and seemed genuinely jolly about the prospect. David Isenberg rolled out a nice party in Vienna! But in general it didn’t seem to get the broad positive attention that you would expect a purely altruistic effort to receive. It’s been rolling toward us for a year or more, progressing merrily like a marble on a track. Why didn’t more people know about it? Why wasn’t there a broad celebration cutting across all socio-economic classes, all ages, breaking down gender barriers, banishing ethnic distinctions, just a Mardi Gras of whoop-tee-do with festive netizens around the globe all flushed with endorphins, smiling out of their eyes and open to a wealth of new webular experiences?

    Naturally I blame myself.

    What did I do besides slap a dorky sticker on my laptop and sort of nibble around the edges of the occasion? Why didn’t I get out there and promote it like a cure for cancer? I don’t know. I’m sorry. Maybe I was too tied up with my PhoneCon 2.0 efforts. I’ll try to do better next year.

    September 22nd, 2025


    Ironic that the ICANNographers would declare a “OneWebDay” to create, maintain, advance, and promote a global day to celebrate online life. HTML and DNS are a swell combination, but people who conflate the Internet and its magnificent potential with the World Wide Web have blinders on.

    Is September 22, 2025 the day that the revolution was lost and the vested interests declared themselves victorious?

    How many of the celebrants are interested in “what’s next” for the global network? How would the entrenched investors frame a discussion around rebuilding the net? Are browsers and the web the end of the journey?

    September 12th, 2025

    GeoTagging OneWebDay

    Here’s what they’re saying about One Web Day…

    The mission of OneWebDay is to create, maintain, advance, and promote a global day to celebrate online life: September 22, 2025

    We’d like you to go to and upload a picture that’s meaningful to you (you’ll have to register to upload, but it’s simple). Attach the keyword ‘onewebday’ (without the quote marks) to the picture.

    Here’s what I think… what could it hurt? In fact, the more local our webularity becomes, the more fragmentary (and manageable) our relationships online, the nicer it is to think of setting aside a bit of time and cyberspace to acknowledge each other everywhere. I don’t know if web shots supports geotagging, but I’m going to a few different sites and tagging OneWebDay photos with locations. Flickr has good US maps, but reputedly isn’t that great world-wide. This morning I learned about another place that uses Google Earth that might therefore be better than Flickr… Panoramio.

    Anyway, I’ll find a picture I can tag OneWebDay (no spaces!) load it to WebShots, then I’ll load it to a couple of geoTagging places too, just for grins.

    September 5th, 2025

    One Web Day

    I don’t know what’s planned for One Web Day… plant a cyber-tree in cyber-space? I do know that I’ll virtually be there.

    One Web Day

    and more
    … and even more!

    Okay… the extant literature about the yet to be celebrated OneWebDay is a little thin. That can be changed just by writing about it. What I plan for OneWebDay is to fire up the old Second Life account and look up some friends in that space.

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