May 7th, 2024

A line Tony Soprano coulda wrote…

  • el
  • pt
  • From the WikipediaWhile de Man’s work in the 1960s is normally distinguished from his deconstructive work in the 1970s, there is considerable continuity.

    There’s a broken-nose, mouth-breather thing going on here.  It could have sump’n to do with the modifiahs, the advoibs and the adjectives, y’know?

    May 7th, 2024

    Share your Opie, your Opus, whatever…

    Cartoon by Berke Breathed (Bloom County)Got a message from Dave Winer to the OPML mailing list to the effect that the “Share your OPML” site will open tomorrow. I’m not sure to what end.

    * Cartoon by Berke Breathed (Bloom County)

    May 7th, 2024

    A day in May

    We need an RSS enclosure for the fragrance of lilacs, crabapple blossoms, honeysuckle…


    May 7th, 2024

    Good questions…

    First time commenters on this site and, I suspect, others who change the parameters of their discourse (for example, changing their email addresses to something like “” to underscore a point) have their comments held in a “moderation queue.” I attend to these comments as quickly as I can, sifting and winnowing, weeding and pruning, generally chucking out most of the penis enlargement and obscure tranquilizer advertisements while allowing the direct solicitations from big Swiss pharma firms seeking experimental subjects for designer drugs (”Would you like thorazine with that?”)

    Yesterday, writing in a comment to a month old post from a Cox Communications IP address in Atlanta, Georgia, “D man” (not, I think, his real name) asked what may have been a non sequitur but was certainly a thoughtful question. Here it is, just as I received it:

    dude when was popcorn invented

    This one stumps me, but perhaps you - gentle reader - have an answer for “D man.”

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