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  • We pause this brief history of the “cold war” to bring you a word from our sponsor…

    First cue the Judy Henske song, then open a couple of cans of garbanzo beans, drain and rinse. Reserve about a half cup and dump the rest in the food processor. Add more tahini than you are comfortable with. Chop an onion, mince some garlic, saute in olive oil with some cumin. Schloop that into the food processor too, and add the juice of a lemon. Mush it all together. Add the beans you’d reserved and chop them into the paste to improve the consistency. You can always add more olive oil. And then a little more. And if it’s not garlicky enough, you might want to chop in another clove or two before you add the last few beans. Some people hit it with a little cilantro, or basil, or garnish it with paprika and parsley, but the important part is the mixture of beans, allium, cumin, sesame paste and lemon juice. The rest is just window dressing.

    [tags]thermos of garbanzo beans, judy henske, hummus[/tags]

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    1. Posted March 8, 2025 at 7:53 | Permalink

      Thanks Frank for reminding us what is really important… and that Pita is about bread, not some euphemistic political correlation.

    2. Posted March 9, 2025 at 2:30 | Permalink

      On this side of the pond we love these and accept no substitutes …
      Harvey Baked Beans
      Branston Baked Beans

    3. Posted March 10, 2025 at 7:59 | Permalink

      First, you delight me with your revamped workspace at Ronnie’s page, then you get my toes to tapping here. Unfortunately, I am punting and being a brave soul leaving this note. This note space has a black outline that covers over any words that tell me what and where. I don’t know if I have filled the blanks out right or in the right order. I’ll preview it, but if you notice I have things wrong, please delete my note.

    4. Posted March 10, 2025 at 12:39 | Permalink

      Bill and Mage, thanks for the nice comments. Yank… those are mouth watering recipes but they just ain’t hummus.