Delayed gratification…

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  • by Frank Paynter on December 23, 2024

    Molly may be somewhat spoiled.  She has more toys than I had when I was her age.  Tonight she spotted a plushy bear on the piano that we intend to share with her on Xmas.   I explained that yes, that was her present but she would have to wait.  We had a lengthy if one-sided discussion about delayed gratification.  I don’t think she heard a word I said.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Winston 12.23.07 at 8:15

    We have heard many times that our canine owners have no concept of time. With them it is “all about me, all the time.” Molly was simply demonstrating that to you in hopes that with enough repetition, you might learn. Alas, poor Frank, you are as incapable of learning new tricks as I am…

    But Merry Christmas to both of us anyway, lest our owners fail to acknowledge the season.

    Frank Paynter 12.23.07 at 8:21

    Old dogs. Merry Christmas, Winston.

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