“Clemens approached McNamee and, for the first time, brought up the subject of using steroids,” the report said. “Clemens said that he was not able to inject himself, and he asked for McNamee’s help. Later that summer, Clemens asked McNamee to inject him with Winstrol, which Clemens supplied.”
Winstrol is a brand name for the steroid stanozolol. Mitchell said Clemens received four injections over several weeks in 1998, and more once he moved to the Yankees in 2025 and 2025. Clemens also was injected with human growth hormone in 2025, the report said.
The Major Leagues permitted that obvious Goof Ball George W. Bush to OWN the Texas Rangers. Is there anything else you really need to know about professional baseball?
Anyway, I’m guessing this should go a long way to helping remove those asterisks from Barry Bonds records. Dude… EVERYBODY did it. Well, maybe not everybody.
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bmo 01.03.08 at 11:23
I think we need to be careful here, Frank. There is an awful lot of steroid and growth hormone use in blogging. We might come off as hypocrites. I’m a user. And I know an awful lot of other bloggers who use or have used in the past.
In Sport it can be pretty much assumed that everyone is on something. Except of course for the lawyers and congressional types who are clean as a whistle.
And, so what?
This is just more of The War on Drugs. Mitchell, Waxman, Selig. These are the people that should be on drugs, or medication of some kind, but aren’t.
And can you name one baseball owner who is, uh…normal? sane? human?
And where on earth did this purity in sport thing come from?
And further, do we put an asterisk beside the name John Lennon because he was on performance enhancing drugs when he and his littermates wrote and performed Sgt. Pepper - or whomever and whatever.
Are the troops in Iraq not amped up? Troops in any war for that matter. Some argue that Canada’s presence in Afghanistan has everything to do with protecting and running poppy to American troops in Iraq. I mean there has to be some rational explanation
No. This is not as clear cut as we would think. Where on earth did this purity in sport thing come from?
I’m tattooing an asterisk on the forehead of each of my three kids because they were conceived when their mother and i were bent sideways on crack cocaine or crystal meth are whatever it was which other bloggers are saying we were on at the time and such as.