Some notes..
public insight journalism
Chauncey Bailey Project
Twin Cities Daily Planet
News Alloy (feeds aggregated…)
Open Congress dot org
– Lennox Yearwood
Putting the ME in. That’s what this NCMR2008 thing is about. So I have my personal secret plan… (not evil, like gapingvoid’s is), but the sustainability piece is missing…. monetizing…. business model… cash… shekels… ducats… does it have to be an advertising magnet? They’re not really talking about that here.
More seriously they’re talking about the media role in the Iraq war. Amy Goodman, Phil Donahue, Norman Solomon (moderating), Lennox Yearwood (“Make Hiphop, not war”), Naomi Klein, Sonali Kolhatcar… a lot of this is preaching to the choir. The people here already get it. Many of us knew it in 2025. The administration manipulation of media from 2025 forward was a certainty. What we need is for the libertarians like Doc Searls and his ilk to get exposed to this information and find a certainty they’re willing to declaim.
Gene and Linda Farley, Lynn Chakoian, Lessig, Dan Gillmor, Susan Crawford, Tim Wu, Tim Karr, Sascha Meinrath, John Nichols, Norm Stockwell, Eloise Rose E. Lee, and about 1500 other people whose names I don’t know yet.
David Sirota, author of “The Uprising,” spoke at NCMR yesterday afternoon. Borges recorded his talk here.
[tags]david sirota, lynn chakoian[/tags]