August 8th, 2025

Squad Leaders

  • el
  • pt
  • Arrington the Insufferable presents a lengthy video featuring a couple dozen of the Web 2.0 Bubble-boys, guys with good ideas and leadership responsibility roughly comparable to that of a corporal in a Marine rifle platoon, although mostly without the killing part. These little shops, eight or ten people who focus on bringing widgets and utilities into a market and selling them to larger concerns in order to realize their worth, are modeled on businesses 1000 times their size. They have inflated job titles (”CEO,” “CTO”), stock options, the whole nine yards. What they don’t have much of is “product.”

    …take my snarky critique with a grain of salt, because salted in the bubbly-webby-gooodness and neat stuff, there are one or two actual companies engaged in meeting a perceived need through product development, sales, and marketing.

    August 1st, 2025

    Quick Molly Bloom Update

    She’s doing better. After getting rolled under the ambulance on June 22nd, suffering major deep lacerations, bruises, abrasions, and a broken hip, Molly is returning to her normal irrepressibility. This is not all a good thing since she still needs time to heal the hip. Chasing rabbits may slow her recovery. When we returned from vacation and picked her up from the kennel, she was using all four feet, something she simply didn’t do a week earlier when we dropped her off at the kennel. Even so, she mostly favors the right rear leg, and has learned the three legged farm dog gait. I hope another month of recovery will have her back on all four all the time.

    * * *

    In other Molly Bloom news, there’s a beauty of a new blog by Molly Ditmore of Molly Golightly that I’ll be following… Molly Bloom knows style. I wonder if she’ll eventually integrate StyleFeeder and get Halley some ROI for all the BlogHer schwag. But no, StyleFeeder is still part of the TopTenSources bonfire. As the touts at TechHunch point out, it isn’t really monetized yet.

    July 16th, 2025

    Audio from Odeo…

    Recorded with the world’s suckiest microphone… my 16 seconds of fame.

    My recording may be akin to Beavis and Butthead playing Bell and Watson, but all-in-all I think Odeo is simple to use and very flexible. I’m not exactly a high tech weenie, but the fact is, I dug around, found an old beige mic from some long dead PC, plugged it in, recorded and posted a brief audio file in a few minutes. While horsing around I saw that Odeo also supports telephone file creation, meaning that I can probably get a better recording off the cell than I can off this funky dixie cup on a string arrangement. Quite exciting really, and I owe it all to pouty Mike Arrington of TechHunch who thought he’d be snarky about Odeo today.

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