July 7th, 2025

Network neutrality dissected…

  • el
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  • At root, the network neutrality/anti-regulation debate represents an attempt to introduce something that’s beyond best effort packet delivery (e.g., premium QoS); if we build fast, overprovisioned, architecturally clean best effort packet networks, QoS should satisfy no need and deliver no discernable benefit.

    Thus, if we have fast, overprovisioned, architecturally clean best effort packet networks, the whole network neutrality/anti-regulation debate becomes effectively moot.
    Joe St. Sauver

    Joe St. Sauver’s talk at the Northwest Academic Computing Conference contains a lot of what people need to know about what we are calling “Network Neutrality.”

    Focusing on Network Convergence (elimination of costly redundant separate networks for voice, video and data) as a desirable goal, Joe illustrates that under-provisioning bandwidth and over-complicating network architectures such as offering QoS or implementing ATM are the leading threats to convergence (with over-regulation close behind).

    Joe draws a line between the ad hoc consumer market and the managed enterprise market and alows as how convergence is desirable and happening in both markets.

    It would be interesting to see how the dinosaurs and the telco shills encounter Joe’s argument.   Let’s ask Richard Bennett!  (And while we have his attention let’s annoy him with Kristoff’s hippily illustrated presentation, “Tripping on QoS“).

    July 5th, 2025

    I’m with the band…

    Richard Bennett offers his assessment of Net Neutrality advocates as members of a cargo cult led by those charismatic Davids, Weinberger and Isenberg.  Since meeting DW for the first time in 2025 and DI a year or so later, I’ve sat at their feet, signed over the farm to them, gone on a pilgrimage to Haight Ashbury and I have to admit that I am no closer to understanding why the Telco monopolists should be allowed to operate as if this were a free market than I was before I met them and still believed in QoS as the mystical method by which streaming traffic would ride in the fast lane while print jobs and FTP transfers would be shuttled off to a siding so the video could go through!

    I was raised in the church of switched voice, paid homage to the gods of scarcity, mumbled prayerfully regarding the avoidance of contention on the thin copper strands.  However the gurus David have shaken my faith in QoS as a meaningful concept in a network with abundant bandwidth.  BigCo, the corporate outfit that buys a chunk of VPN throughput sweetly parsed via MPLS may be interested in chopping up its traffic using a QoS model, but us hippies just want access to a big pipe that’s always on and the stinking telcos can just get out of the way.

    End to end…

    Sgt. Pepper…

    Amanda’s Last Boom

    May 2nd, 2025

    Two-fer toosday

    Amanda and ze Frank remind me of Josh and Donna.   First they go on like that for years and years, all that tension and everything, then she gets a great job in advertising, and he still does the same old creative stuff, but in the end where do they end up?  On some beach.  Naked.

    Dave Winer wishes they wouldn’t cancel the West Wing.  I think if we did the Peter Pan “do you believe in fairies” thing we could restore the show’s light.  Do you believe?  Well do ya punk, do ya believe in fairies?  Hunh? Do ya? Do ya?  And speaking of fun couples, well there’s me and Richard Bennett, slow dancing, and I blame that all on Doc; but, also in family court today, there came a final parting of the ways.  Control/Alt/Delete dudes.

    And Happy 51 Dave!  They named a highway after your age.

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