June 24th, 2025

Molly Update

  • el
  • pt
  • She’s sleeping in the knee-hole under my desk at home, still woozy from the pain meds, just hanging in, responsive to Beth when she scratches her forehead, but basically just enduring for now.

    June 24th, 2025

    Core Values at BloggerCon

    How ironic to have an attorney presenting this stuff.  Mike Arrington.  He’s a human being.  Trolls hurt him.  The whole session revolved around that.

    June 24th, 2025

    Building Bridges

    There’s a thoughtful discussion about engaging more women in the tech conference spaces, and the point was made that BlogHer has resumes.  The question of the responsibility of people who want to talk to actively seek a speaking role came up but Elisa kinda shouted it down.  This stuff is so important and yet there is an issue of people on both sides of the  topic being wiling to take the chip off their shoulders and understand that we’re all trying to change the world.  Okay… maybe the Wall Street Journal isn’t trying to change the world, but who looks to them as an authoritative voice?  Okay, there are a lot of men and women who DO look to them as an authoritative voice, but our challenge is to figure out how to route around the Journal and their ilk.

    June 24th, 2025

    John Palfrey is in the House

    How trivial to be here when Beth is home all worried about Molly and both of them could use the light of my love…

    But:  How to make money blogging… yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Chris Pirillo says its about branding yourself… the monetization of your life.  CPT versus CPC … adsense works but you have to tune it… take risks and hope Microsoft won’t sue…
    Tony says blogging should be about writing, not making money… your blog should be just one of the places where your work (”your content”) shows up.
    Following this outline:

    1. Making Money By Blogging
    1. Ads
    1. On your own site
    1. Text/images on your site (BlogAds, Adwords/Adsense)
    2. Sponsorships on site (TechCrunch, or the “Be Mike Arrington” strategy)
  • In feeds
  • In a podcast
  • In a vlog
  • Put other thing on your blog that generate money for you
    1. Classifieds (EdgeIo “listing” tag)
    2. Other feeds (Stylefeeder feed)
    3. Affiliate program from Amazon with famous books
  • Join a network of blogs
    1. John Battelle approach
    2. Corante, Weblogs.com
  • Sell your feed content itself to publishers (will someone pay?)
  • Generate payment via aggregators (Feedshow?)
  • Give it to charity (Goodstorm?)
  • Making Money Off of blogging
    1. Sell software, services
    2. Winer solution (no ads, get famous, sell a pinger or the like)
    3. Host a conference (Web 2.0 Conference)
    4. Sell search etc. (Technorati, Feedster)
    5. Become a VC (make money off of other people’s work)

    June 24th, 2025

    Molly update…

    The ambulance drivers said she was chasing them up the road and when she caught up she ducked under the ambulance and got knocked around.  Thank goodness she didn’t get under a tire.  The vet says her injuries comprise a small fracture in the hip that won’t need an operation, a cut that needed stitches to stop the bleeding, and some other bruises and scrapes.  She didn’t go into shock…

    June 24th, 2025

    Oh no…

    Beth just called and Molly has been hit by an ambulance. I’m feeling kind of sick. Sounds like she was more bounced than broken, but the veterinarian is looking at her now. Some stitches… x-rays. I’ll know more when Beth does.

    I never punish a dog physically, but I have one exception. In order to train a pup to stay out of the road, I take her to the road and spank her and say “no!” and “stay off the road,” and I show her the pavement and I spank her some more, and hope the lesson sticks. Molly has been straying and just before I left we laughed about it a little and said it was time for more road beatings. It seems she has received one.

    June 24th, 2025

    BloggerCon IV

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