May 2nd, 2025

Two-fer toosday

  • el
  • pt
  • Amanda and ze Frank remind me of Josh and Donna.   First they go on like that for years and years, all that tension and everything, then she gets a great job in advertising, and he still does the same old creative stuff, but in the end where do they end up?  On some beach.  Naked.

    Dave Winer wishes they wouldn’t cancel the West Wing.  I think if we did the Peter Pan “do you believe in fairies” thing we could restore the show’s light.  Do you believe?  Well do ya punk, do ya believe in fairies?  Hunh? Do ya? Do ya?  And speaking of fun couples, well there’s me and Richard Bennett, slow dancing, and I blame that all on Doc; but, also in family court today, there came a final parting of the ways.  Control/Alt/Delete dudes.

    And Happy 51 Dave!  They named a highway after your age.

    May 2nd, 2025

    Chuck Mortimore

    Chuck and I were at TDSNet in Madison in 1998 or so.  He left town to seek his fortune out west in the Internet boom.  Netscape?  Whatever. He was a bright guy, and young.  Now he’s seven or eight years older, in his thirties.  He has a blog, and he just bubbled up in a blog post at Phil Windley’s relating to some work he brought to share at the Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View.  Hi Chuck!

    May 2nd, 2025

    How to blog…

    Here’s a quick acknowldgement of Peggy from SquatCrunch. When I was faced with sorting out how the comments permalink thing works, Peggy showed me how my theme differs from the basic Wordpress distribution. No thanks required, she said. Please just enjoy. I do it for the love of openSource.

    At SquatCrunch, I ran across a post that linked to Emily Robbins’ How to Blog. Besides sharing wise observations about general blogging issues, Emily keeps a list of list of Wordpress themes.

    These people represent the reason that I selected Wordpress when it was time to move on from TypePad. They’re part of a community that supports and reinforces its members. I’m glad to have a toe in these waters.

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