April 29th, 2025

Quick Link

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  • Before bed, gotta point you to Kansas City’s Pitch, where Ben Paynter writes this week about the reality TV winners and losers from the heartland.  Have you heard of Real World?  Me neither, but Ben spins a story about locals who made good, or not, on that and at least a dozen other reality TV shows, and it’s a good read, tells you what you’re missing by not watching…

    The Blue Springs resident’s on-air experience was the kind of coming-of-age train wreck that reality TV producers dream of. Her first night in the Real World house, she got drunk and puked. She smoked, even though she has the lung disease cystic fibrosis. Roommates caught her with a kitchen knife in the bathroom and learned that she habitually cut herself. She broke down because of a phobia of large boats.

    April 29th, 2025

    Larsen Road

    Wish I had a camera yesterday… four turkeys crossing Larsen Road, strung out in a line  reminding me of John, Ringo, Paul, and George.

    April 29th, 2025

    A Blalk in the Blark…

    We bloggers like to create neologisms. We like the neologism that reshapes an older term in our new and hypercreative anguage-blay. We call these BLOGOLOGISMs, not neologisms, which is the old word for the new word we made up to cover this concept. I offer this prefatory comment as an explanation for the title of this post. In the lifeworld we have parks, and people often go walking there. Here in the – yes – BLOGOVERSE we have BLARKs, virtual spaces through which we virtually BLOGambulate. You see how it’s done, feel free now to go forth and coin a dozen or so of your own BLOGGING BLOGOLOGISMs.

    end prefatory matter//begin Blalk in Blark postular introduction

    A question I often ask friends, neighbors, and relatives is “Did you follow the links?” This is a follow-up question to “Did you read my blog this morning?” I think I can safely say that about one person in a thousand answers affirmatively to “didja read it” and one reader in a bazillion follows the links. Since I have not yet served one bazillion BLOG burgers it’s anybody’s guess if anyone has ever followed any of the links that I offer like sesame seeds on the BLOG burger bun. Yet I persist in adding them, for my own amusement I suppose. This promises to be one of those posts with a lot of links, so if you are BETH or one of those other readers who just has no time for clicking through to the actual subject of my BLOGambulation, well… you might as well fire up Grand Theft Auto now, because there isn’t a lot here for you.

    end hectoring postular introduction//begin body of Blalk in Blark

    here, on myslnia, is an entire parallel life, existing at least since the times of the first neural structures on Earth. New science – psychomemetics - is born. Its goal is, of course, exploration of myslnia. Are there psychomemetic plants, animals, intelligent beings (”neuromonads” )? (I stole word “monad” from Leibniz, but I use it differently, to describe “the cells” of psychomemetic organisms)

    cease channeling bizarro Polish sci-fi writer//begin body of Blalk in Blark

    I was gratified this morning by a comment from J. Alva Scruggs (not his real name). As often happens when someone leaves a comment I followed the link Scruggs left then surfed on through to other side. My Scruggs surfage led me to The Fifth Column. [Note to self… you really must enable permalinks on your own comments… end note to self]. Commenters at The Fifth Column are a merry band with charming names like Brian888, winna, xoid, and Magic Pink. These are not their real names, I think, but I like their direct style and communitarian good fellowship (or, as we say in the [air-quotes] BLOGOVERSE, their good [airquotes] BLellowship). I like it so much that I followed links on The Fifth Column’s blogroll hoping to see more of these peeps in other contexts. That blogroll is short and contains a couple of familiar names… Jon Husband and the Happy Tutor (one name real, one not). But it was by following the links to the less familiar places that I found the Loveologist (a second order link) and Twisty Faster. I also found a couple of great cat pictures, some cute, one sneaky.

    end body of Blalk in Blark//begin Blalk in Blark snarky conclusion

    At this point if you are reading this I must assume one of two things about you. Either you are a highly accomplished web surfer with excellent command of the browser’s back-button, or – and this, sadly, is more likely – you did not follow the links in this post at all. How boring for you.

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