April 20th, 2025

Jeneane’s poetry…

  • el
  • pt
  • Soar

    ima take a ride
    ima go too fast
    ima smash a wall
    ima not come back

    ima fly so far
    ima lick a cloud
    ima do some flips
    ima yell real loud

    ima stay up high
    ima feel so cold
    ima slice the sky
    ima make a hole

    ima fly on in
    ima float above
    ima hug the dark
    ima die for love

    - Jeneane Sessum (Soar is one of several poems posted today at Jeneane.net)

    April 20th, 2025

    The Decider…

    Jon Stewart presented an issue of “The Decider,” a comic book homage to our nucular warrior in chief. Norm Jenson has the clip at One Good Move. The premise is that our brush-clearin’, buck-stoppin’, truth-tellin’, war-fightin’, dollar-across-the-Delaware-flingin’ Mr. President always makes the wrong decision. But if that’s so, then there’s one thing I don’t get. Why is he shown makin’ the right decision in the last few panels when he has to choose between saving mama Barbara and First Dog Barney? I just don’t get it.

    April 20th, 2025

    Trail o’ links - don’t worry, be scrappy…

    I feel like Brian Moffatt… good blogging intentions, short of time. But Brian emerged, and there were a couple of comments I thought were worth following down in his penultimate post this morning. One, from a Mister Salmon Rushdie-Hayek-Bisque points to a post at the Head Lemur’s place, a post I might critique thusly: you have to get past the phlegm and go below the fold for the good part.

    (The above italics are brought to you courtesy of the for-shit WordPress WYSIWYG editor, by the way.  I can’t figure out how to remove them without pulling the whole post into a desktop editor, revising it and uploading it, and basically, who cares about a few extra slanty letters anyway, right?)

    Speaking of “anyway…”

    Anyway, if you got past the phlegminess at Allan’s, you will see a brilliant advertisement for the famously fictional new book, Shiny Happy People, and  linkage to a post at the creating passionate users blog that provides an affirmation for Robert Scoble that after all it is his blog so he can do with it what he wants and documents the inspiration for the Lemur’s SHP send-up.

    Now it turns out that there have been lengthy exchanges about Robert’s new rulz, and I’ll admit to skimming these at best, because locked as I am in a time crunch I have as little time for reading as for writing, which is too bad, because as every hooked-up blogger knows, if you blink, it’s all over and past you and you missed it by god.  Suffice it to say, that Happy Bob Scoble has decided to moderate his comments, a decision I applaud because a) I’ll know that these are Bob-approved comments, and b) I won’t have to wade through so much bullshit if I decide to read them.
    But back at Kathy Sierra’s place, where she indeed does provide a scientific affirmation that if we would all just stop worrying and be happy, if we would cease our nattering nay-saying, our negativity, then people around us would be happier too and we could nuke Iran with a smile on our face, while affirming large contracts with China for size 7 boots that don’t quite fit, each one accompanied by a reciprocal exchange of an outdated version of Microsoft Windows XP with a big cash advantage to both parties and detriment only to the American taxpayer and/or consumer, a fellow with two cars who can afford it anyway.  And wait!  That’s what Bob’s boss is doing right now!  No wonder Scoble doesn’t want to be perceived as a nattering nay-Bob!

    And as we say, anyway… if you read down through the comments at the happy-happy post, you’ll run into one by Jeneane that lays out the issues with some clarity, a gem of which I reproduce below since Kathy doesn’t perma-link her comments, and they go on forever…

    This is an interesting post Kathy, but I think it’s a long way from analyzing what’s going on with Robert’s decision to not let anyone comment who is an “unhappy person” and only let people who “add value” participate in his online world. Incidentally, it’s a business web site from a guy who just wrote a book on the conversational era.

    April 20th, 2025

    Happy Blogsky Jon Lebirthday

    It’s Jon Lebkowsky’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Jon!

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