something found in auto translation

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  • by Frank Paynter on April 15, 2025

    two carts, even of ‘licona) of the exprofesa orgugallegada gay marianin penalty that was not at the controls, if that saw roberta marrero, girl? crass, ahi ahi mamaita! Almodovar, forever with his shirt motorhead clicking temacines nirvana-iggy with fangoria his ball, and nacho embobado alaska in its nouveau butifarra glitter mood, but followed them uphill to mount, where the masses were with me, and the crop , booing, “pelao, you have to eat something, that if you do not barbecue in the morning of funko you going to call david hasselhof again

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    tom 04.15.08 at 9:40

    I don’t know, I kind of like it. What autotrans did you use?

    Frank Paynter 04.15.08 at 9:51 was the blog I was looking at, and there was an auto-translate function running. Now, when I return to the blog, I don’t see that function. Maybe I dreamed it? Maybe my NSA buddies were looking over my shoulder. I dunno. It was cool because it translated a block of text, maybe 200 words, at a time. All you had to do was scroll down.

    tom 04.16.08 at 8:40

    love the idea that translation = dream

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