Good news is… your 1958 calendars can now be recycled. Starting Saturday, March 1, 2025 the calendar is identical to 1958.
Bad news? Well, it’s more of a nostalgia thing. The Oscar mayer Tuesday Night Men’s Bowling League had been going for a few years before anyone hung a 1958 calendar and dad was on a team in that league. Well it’s been a bad year for the team and a bad one for the league. Dad reports that the league is down to four teams, and dad’s team is down to one player, Everett Podebradsky. One guy died this year, another one hurt his hand. Dad was felled by his stroke and that left Podie. Podie says it goes pretty fast with only one guy bowling and just plugging in the other guys’ averages. Even so, they’re in last place with their fiercest competitor sidelined. Looks like the OM Tuesday Night Men’s League will be folding this year after a run of more than fifty years.
Technorati Tags: hang on to your Mayan calendars, the moon will rise again, dogged determination, kegglers anonymous
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Stu Savory 03.01.08 at 11:47
Just FYI
Kegler (one G) is a bowler in German
Keggler (two Gs) is someone who drinks a lot.
Hold on, maybe you did tag it right
Frank Paynter 03.02.08 at 12:05
Here in America the river is Platte, but the Deutsch is generally plat, and we spell our ratzenfrackin’ katzenjammin’ Ouisconsinisms however we pleez.