Burma Shave

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 3, 2025

    As the government has been endeavouring to ensure stability of State, community peace, the rule of law and national development that are the main requirements, the national races in all regions are practically enjoying the fruits of national peace and development.

    However, saboteurs from inside and outside the nation and some foreign radio stations, who are jealous of national peace and development, have been making instigative acts through lies to cause internal instability and civil commotion. Hence, some members of the Sangha, anti-government groups and saboteurs were staging protest walks.

    The people who wish to earn their living in peace do not accept or take part in the protests.

    The authorities have informed the people to file complaints in person or on line to the respective Ward Peace and Development Councils, Township PDCs or local authorities against intimidations, extortions or acts to force them to join the protest against their wish.

    It’s pretty clear that the old “they’re jealous of us” argument is open to misinterpretation. But then, that’s why we have our township Peace and Development Councils to interpret for us.

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