These cracked me up…
Robert Scoble: I am the luckiestdude alive tonight. Had dinner with john dvorak…
Paul Ford: I don’t care how much lice they have these kids are going to school today.
Fembot: Reading up on widget penetration.
Joshua Allen: Where did I leave my fake tooth filled with poison gas. I am such a scatterbrain lol.
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
Charles Follymacher 09.27.07 at 3:10
Frank as cover boy
Jon Husband 09.28.07 at 9:19
Looks like Frank …
Re: the caption … I think that McLuhan is today’s McLuhan.
Frank Paynter 09.28.07 at 9:37
Just so it’s clear to both of you: I have never mud wrestled with Henry Jenkins’ wife.