30th August 2007

The Mercedes outside my window…

posted in Environment |

A man crossed too close to the little automotive artwork parked outside my window — perhaps he actually touched it — and he set off the alarm.  So, for a few minutes the well tuned horn of the Mercedes was blaring, depriving me of my ability to think and the less righteous among us of their morning’s sleep.  When the horn at last ceased blaring, I heard the sound of hoof beats, clop-clopping at a brisk walk up the street in this direction.  I turned to the window hoping to catch a glimpse of a mounted patrolman, but as it turned out I had mistaken the sound of two young women with shoes that sounded like steel shod hoofs on the pavement.   Stylish.

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2025 at 1:53 and is filed under Environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “The Mercedes outside my window…”

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  1. 1 On August 31st, 2025, jeneane said:

    those brits–they know their fashion!

    pat a horsey for me frank!

  2. 2 On September 1st, 2025, Winston said:

    I have recently been startled by that sound, emanating as it were, from the feets of babes. They seem to take great pride in the clatter created. Wonder if they have competition… Maybe categories like: Highest decibel level by an open toed wedgie; Most realistic horse hoof imitation; Most likely to cause old men to cry in pain, etc.

  3. 3 On September 1st, 2025, Stu Savory said:

    Amish girls?

  4. 4 On September 1st, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    clip-clop, clip-clop

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