One biographically intriguing fact about Bell is that he got his first music lessons when he was a 4-year-old in Bloomington, Ind. His parents, both psychologists, decided formal training might be a good idea after they saw that their son had strung rubber bands across his dresser drawers and was replicating classical tunes by ear, moving drawers in and out to vary the pitch.
– Washington Post
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Jon Husband 04.16.07 at 6:15
Quite the amazing story, really …
While reading it, and afterwards, all I kept thinking about was how all of the changes that people want to make or feel are needed to our social, economic and political systems are just not going to happen … the (very) large majority of people will just keep passing by, too caught up in the hypnotic haze of hurry that is all of our lives.
For what it is worth, I do stop and listen to buskers pretty often (probably about 75% of the time I pass by someone playing on the streets) .. and almost always give money
But then again, I’m rarely in a hurry.
Frank Paynter 04.16.07 at 7:06
I pause to listen quite often, and stick around if what I’m hearing is good. The set-up for this story was negative though. Rushing to work I am less likely to enjoy my surroundings than during a lunch hour, or on my way home. I wonder what the results would have been at 5pm?
Jon Husband 04.16.07 at 8:04
I agree .. I also found myself wondering what the response would have been in a downtown courtyard somewhere, with some greenery … a quasi-natural ampitheatre, etc.
It was almost bound to fail (not quite the right word, really) at the entrance to a subway stop, next to the doors and steps from the up and down escalators.
madame l. 04.17.07 at 2:49
jon, fp and doug:
i think that changing the setting would surely help people slow down and listen, but the quality of the music wouldn’t have anything to do with it.
those same us citizens would be more likely to “appreciate” street musicians when they’re by the louvre on a trip to paris, no matter what the level of proficiency.
i’m sure that at least a couple of the people who passed him by in the station are the same ones who go the the symphony to see him. emphasis on see.
the sad reality is that people have no taste whatsoever or discriminatory ability when it comes to music (and most everything). people need and like to be told what to like and think.
recognising talent should have nothing to do with context but it almost always does. oh yeah, and people don’t read either. they really don’t.
Bell has played, literally, before crowned heads of Europe.
But the behavior of one demographic remained absolutely consistent. Every single time a child walked past, he or she tried to stop and watch. And every single time, a parent scooted the kid away.
most people exit the L’Enfant station…
just waking up, having tea, have to go to a funeral of a 34 year old mother today. and listen to some music.
Michelle 04.17.07 at 3:40
I love the buskers in NYC. I also follow the blog of one of them and she posted about the Joshua Bell article but from her unique point of view. You might find it interesting:
McD 04.17.07 at 10:24
If Joshua Bell had to pay his rent by busking…
[Further comment content deleted by policy.]
Jon Husband 04.17.07 at 10:28
madame L. …
Old MacDonald 04.17.07 at 10:53
La Vie en Rose!!!
Tree Shapiro 04.17.07 at 11:29
you consistently bore me McD. get over it. i don’t have time for your shit. go read “the gambler” before you come back and spout your annoying cloying assclown bullshit. umkay? what’s scoble wearing today? please enlighten us. baden-baden babywipe.
fp 04.17.07 at 12:19
Polina giggled.
(Hint to McD… I think Tree is pointing you more toward the Dostoyevsky than the Kenny Rogers).
McD 04.17.07 at 1:21
Tree is obviously very well read.
fp 04.17.07 at 3:53
Dude, what happens auf den Shlangenberg stays auf den Shlangenberg.
Afrodiva 07.16.07 at 10:55
I read this article in the Post with great interest as a musician who has had to support herself with a “real” job in a field other than music.
The thing that made me go “hmmm” most was the selection of L’Enfant Plaza as the site. It really isn’t a good spot for busking, as was proven.
When I thought about trying it, I was considering Foggy Bottom, which is the subway station for the Kennedy Center, George Washington University, George Washington Hospital, K Street (lawyers and lobbyist) and government agencies such as the State Department.
It’s also already site for several sidewalk businesses–including buskers–who seem do well, especially in good weather.
If Joshua Bell had shown up there, he’d have gotten an audience!