Iraqi Unions Statement On IMF &World Bank Economic Policies in Iraq
Whereas the war and occupation of Iraq has caused:
* *Devastation of civil life and most social infra-structure*
* *Destruction of basic requirements of industry *
* *Unprecedented and accelerated rates of unemployment*
* *Obstruction of public sector and state owned projects *
Whereas the last four years did not bring any improvement to the
general circumstances of society;
Whereas Iraq is in need of entire rebuilding inclusive of all domains
and sectors;
Whereas the majority of Iraqi population - about 70% - reside in urban
settlements/large cities;
Whereas Iraq has a great reserve of oil and other natural resources
which in turn will contribute tremendously to reconstruction;
Whereas the debts on Iraq are generally a result of post-war erroneous
policies of the ousted Saddam regime;
*We find that: *
* *The suggested role and policies of the IMF are against the
interests of the people and the workers.*
* *The pre-conditions determined by the IMF contribute to deepening
the social dilemmas and deterioration of living standards.*
* *The authorities in Iraq which recently signed and approved laws
and deals with the IMF and WB, did not inform or engage the public
and the workers’ representatives in the decision-making process.*
According to the above given, we are calling for:
* *Rejection of the conditions imposed by the IMF, including the
policies decided in agreement with the authorities in Iraq .*
* *Full participation of the representatives of workers in
generating the general decisions and policies.*
* *Informing the unions and the society of the recommendations and
decisions agreed upon with the authorities in Iraq . *
* *Refusal of re-structuring and privatization of public sector
industries such as oil, public services, education, health, water,
and electricity.*
* *Expanding the social responsibility of the state to supporting:
the public industries, adoption of broad employment policies, the
prices and the public services. *
* *Issuing bills and laws of retirement and security which guarantee
a decent pension for the retired, and ratification of unemployment
benefits. *
* *Issuing a modern labor law which guarantees full rights for the
workers, with total agreement with the International labor norms
of the ILO.*
* *Participation of the representatives of workers in supervising
anti-corruption bodies and legislations.*
* *Rejection of the draft of the Oil Investment Law, and instead
developing the domestic oil industry.*
- Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq FWCUI,
- General Federation of Kurdistan Workers KGWSU,
- General Federation of Iraqi Workers GFIW,
- Federation of workers and craftsmen of Kurdistan IKWSU,
- General Union of the Southern Oil sector GUOE
*April 3, 2025
Najim was kidnapped on 27 March 2025
His Body was found on 30 March
Signs of torture was visible on his body
Najim Joined the under ground trade union movement (WDTUM) in the 1980s
He was dismissed from his job as a mechanic where he worked for the
Iraqi health Ministry
He was reinstated to his job after the fall of Saddam’s dictatorship.
He was a key founder the of the IFTU now the GFIW
He was elected to the position of the General Secretary of the Mechanics
Workers Union 2025
He attended many national and international seminars and traningThe executive committee
31 March 2025
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