feeling groovy

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  • by Frank Paynter on April 15, 2025

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    Zo 04.15.07 at 10:57

    How about that set! How about those production values! (I’d rather watch Tommy and Dickie.) (Where did the time fuckin’ *go,* huh, FP?)

    Demi de Balzac 04.16.07 at 3:10

    Hey, thanks for posting this! (Long time lurker, first time poster;)

    As the founder of The Handicapable Access For Provincetown Now Foundation and a member of Notable Gay and Lesbian Native Americans in Olde Cape Cod Enthusiasts, I often find myself whistling and or humming this song on the way to rallies, clambakes and such.

    Thought this might interest you. It’s an exhaustive list of every book Art Garfunkel has ever read.

    Frank Paynter 04.16.07 at 9:04

    Demi dee! Welcome. It tickled me to notice Ouspensky so early in that list. Yes, Ouspensky, various Gurdjieff remembrances, Carl Jung… Art was quite the young para-intellectual! I didn’t do an exhaustive search but I couldn’t find any Stuart Woods, Carl Hiaasen, Tim Dorsey… I did spot the Sonny Barger classic “Credo.” Fabulous reading list to contain that.

    Zo, I don’t know where the time went exactly, but I’m glad to have misspent so much of it so far.

    Demi de Balzac 04.16.07 at 11:26

    If you’ll be my bodyguard
    I can be your long lost pal
    I can call you fp
    And Frank(ly) when you call me
    You can call me Double D
    Call me DD

    :) :)

    I was pleased and impressed to see he’s read The World’s Most Famous Math Problem by Marilyn Vos
    which contains the statistically improbable phrase Normal Balls!!

    I have spent many a cozy evening by the woodstove with a diverse group of friends discussing The Monty Hall Problem.

    Frank Paynter 04.16.07 at 1:09

    I might call you Billy and I might call you Ray, but I have to serve somebody… would you like a slice of goat?

    (Everyone’s a winnah!)


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