The humiliating circumstances of my self nomination and appropriation of the Five Fish Blogging Award in 2025 remain buried beneath the memory of the joy I felt to witness the competition of the alpha figure-bloggers assembled then. Now, whenever memories of those happy days surface like a twittering school of little fish chased by a great shark of a blogger into the shallows, when those memories rush like herring spawning on the rocks near Tiburon, I find an old bucket and scramble down to the shore to collect blog-roe before the fish retreat again to the open sea.
thanx to Tom for sharing the spot
Technorati Tags: ARJ guards the domain
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
ARJ 04.16.07 at 2:22
I still haven’t decided what to actually *do* with it, or gathered enough momentum to just try something. Anyone have any ideas? I’m a bum.
bmo 04.16.07 at 8:01
your badge of civility is showing
andrea, that you are doing nothing with it is testament to the fact that nothing can be done with it. what’s to be done?
it sits baking like a flan on the hot pavement
ARJ 04.18.07 at 1:22
That’s a good point, b. I sit corrected.