Participatory Democracy on the web…

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 24, 2024

    How do we purple-ize when there is one side that insists on zero sum solutions? Given that for some it’s a win-lose competition and victory supercedes any compromise or consensus building, that some segments of our culture are so “values driven” that their values don’t permit entree to new ideas or facilitated consensus… given all that, why sit in the same room with them?

    Jennifer Harris from the Center for Digital Democracy is presenting right now and the message she brings is that the ad revenue migrating to the web is HUGE. She’s talking about diversity of ownership, online privacy protection, local oversight, assurance of access to broadband… big media companies are working their way from the top down…

    I’ve been more interested in reading the IRC backchannel than listening to the panel…

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