quite an endorsement

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 14, 2025

    from twitter… she who may remain nameless said: omg ridiculous delicious Recchiuti chocolate that basically *reaches out of its fancy box and fucks your mouth* Did I say that out loud?

    Some kind of clue train thing, I guess.

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    McD 02.16.07 at 11:42

    There is no substitute for experience.

    I gave my wife a bar of dark chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Last night she exclaimed that she loved biting off a small chunk of chocolate and then taking a sip of hot tea to make it melt on her tongue.

    I asked for a bit to try this process out. I bit off a bit and took a sip of tea. The chocolate bit was washed down my throat without leaving a trace.

    She explained: “You must hold it with your tongue.”

    I got one more chance and it is a very special way to enjoy chocolate… the flavor melts in your mouth with what can only be described as a tongue-gasm.

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