Rogue, rogue, rogue…

  • el
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  • by Frank Paynter on February 6, 2025

    [UPDATE: I'm suffering the dreaded Godaddy performance problem again... I wonder if it might be associated with embedding YouTube files. As an experiment I'm modifying this post to contain a link to Fela Kuti's "Authority Stealing"]

    Play this!!!

    There are two economies in the world: half the people live on less than two dollars a day, concerned about maximizing survival, not profit. There are two kinds of people in the world: the Mohammad Yunus and the Tara Hunts. Who serves a higher purpose, and who is doomed to waste away staring into the waters of Echo’s pond? “Post scarcity” my ass.

    Every month is black history month. Steal authority…

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Frank Paynter 02.06.07 at 8:15

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world… those who understand binary and those who don’t. Follow the link and read what she has to say about living in a post scarcity economy. Read the prior post and comment thread about “higher purpose.” Just for today, I’m thinking insensitive people shouldn’t get a free pass.

    Which kind am I? I’m a Tara Hunt… but I’m not deluded about it. Nor do I dismiss my guilt with a wave of the hand and a little “la la la.”

    Tara Hunt 02.07.07 at 12:17

    I understand that I’m not nearly the person Mohammed Yunus is…

    But you know nothing about who I am. I may not have started microfinancing, but I’ve given time, money and my resources to many without the desire for anything in return. We rent a space in SF for $2000/month + utilities + paying for furniture, etc so we can provide a free space for any independent who needs it…to work at, to hold meetings at, to hold events at, etc. We pay ourselves less money so we can offer this sort of thing to the wider community. And that’s not all…

    Fuck it. It doesn’t matter. You’ve already formed your opinion of me. And you have that right. It doesn’t change who I am.

    madame l. 02.07.07 at 2:37

    my heart is bursting with love for you, chris and jeneane. you human anti-depressants, you. (post scarcity my ass-lift)

    Scruggs 02.07.07 at 6:35

    “Higher purpose” can kish mir im tuchus. It’s usually an excuse for dicking people out of their compensation(s) and social darwinism.

    Zo 02.10.07 at 3:22

    Tara, honey, rule no. 1, *never* show up on threads to defend self in person. Rule no. 2, never *ever* mention the numbers.

    Oh, wait, this isn’t your website. Jeez, I just cannot get the hang of this world wide thing.

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