Cluetrain Constellation

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 1, 2024

    Call it grateful acknowledgment, call it a modest flash of self awareness, but I would be remiss if from time to time I did not reflect on the amazing creative power of Locke, Searls and Weinberger, and the inspiration and creative arousal I get from their work.

    My buoyant mood may of course also be influenced by having finished yesterday a three week round of smearing debilitating poison on my arms. Hey, I may be all scabby now, but I used to look really cool hanging a sunburned forearm out the window while lipping a Pall Mall and driving low and slow down the avenue.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Charles Follymacher 02.03.07 at 7:12

    It only took the entertainment media one night to warp history and completely cut Christina Aguilera out of the onstage kiss with Madonna. All the shots the next day were of Britney and M; it was like Chrissy was never there.

    Wasn’t there a fourth Cluetrain writer? Whatever happened to him? Why doesn’t anyone follow this up? Nobody speaks of it. The poor guy needs Herding management. Talk about writing ourselves out of existence.

    Frank Paynter 02.03.07 at 9:18

    I’ve never met Rick Levine, but I’ve Googled him and I can say pretty much for sure that he’s NOT the astrologer by the same name. He’s some kind of systems professional, a heavy Java head with some big-co experience and start-up efforts under his belt (including a hat company that he started with his brother). One of the most recent mentions of him that I could find with a quick scan was this nod from David Weinberger dated 12/31/2003. One of the most recent tracks in the sand left by the man himself was in a comment to this post on Niall Cook’s Hill and Knowlton Marketing Technology blog about a year ago.

    My feeling is that I should respect Rick Levine’s privacy. His co-authors are each “out there” with what you might call heavy schtick…. Rick Levine is perhaps less interested in developing his work and sharing his life in cyberspace. He could blog and self promote, share who he is quite openly like I do, or he could be more circumspect, subdued, perhaps anonymous. Hell, memer. How do I know you’re not him?

    Regarding Christina Aguilera, I read in the trades that Britney enjoyed the intimacy at first but then Christina tried to play tonsil hockey with the tongue stud and Britney was all “ewww, gross, a PIERCING!” and the rest as they say is herstory.

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