The cruelest month…

  • el
  • pt
  • by Frank Paynter on April 2, 2025

    During April little will be posted at Sandhill Trek that isn’t also here at listics.  For years Sandhill has occupied a place in the long tail near the flexion point… the elbow, as it were.  Do tails have elbows?  Perhaps we should call it the long arm rather than the long tail.  In that case it would be accurate to say that Sandhill has found a cozy niche close to the armpit.  Some would say that Sandhill IS the armpit.  Never mind all that.

    Most of my visitors are drop-ins from a search engine.  For example, Sandhill ranks near the top at Google (number 13) as an information resource regarding skunk poop.  Never mind that the body of postings there contains but one fictive reference to the subject in a discussion of puppy behavior.  There just are not that many people writing about skunk poop.

    I write practically every day.  Here is where I will be doing that from now on.  If you have a subscription to Sandhill, you will want to change it to listics.  Here’s the feed.  If you  have a convenient link in a blogroll that you and your readers follow, it would be a favor to me if you would change it now to point at

    This of course is only the first of hundreds of dunning notices you will receive regarding your subscription.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Charles Follymacher 04.02.06 at 8:33

    Nice orderly transition you’ve got going here, Frank. Takin it up a notch on your cyber-watch as you cinch the waist in realspace. We’ll be here to cheer.

    Tell me, tho, what’s the “register” bit all aboot, eh?

    Frank Paynter 04.02.06 at 8:53

    Ahh yes… I have a fear of the unknown and that Buckshot Dick and the boys at the NSA will target me for a DDOS attack just because they can, so I turned on some of the WordPress filters… moderation, registration, that sort of thing. I’ll loosen it all up after I know my way around the toolset a little better.

    Thanks for dropping in, Charles!

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