Got a hunch…

  • el
  • pt
  • Caterina describes HUNCH here. I have a few invitations if you’d like to climb on-board and share your inner being with the machine. Sen me an email or leave a comment.

    Wishing I was at F2C, David Isenberg’s annual inside-the-beltway thing. It’s being tweeted here and chatted there, but text doesn’t let you hear the music. Video is streamed from here, rtsp://, alas I can’t get the audio to come up.

    Vacation is over and today I have to pump out a few posts for Super Eco, go to the dump to recycle cardboard, the library to pick up books on hold, and the post office to pick up last week’s mail. Also owe dogs some loving attention, and I must (heavy sigh) make the vet appointment to get Tessa spayed.

    In other news, I read that Esther paid three million (US) for her back-up slot on the Simonyi joyride. The ticket cost him like $35 million. Her dad, Freeman, held forth in the Sunday NYT yesterday as the most prominent and distinguished global climate change denier (“The Civil heretic”). Hmm, maybe I can write about that at Super Eco after my recycling run.

    This entry was posted in Environment, Farm Almanac, Friends, Global Concern, Networks, Science. Bookmark the permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

    One Comment

    1. Posted March 31, 2025 at 9:27 | Permalink

      Hey Frank, I’d love an invite to Hunch if you’ve still got them.

      Thanks a bunch!