She’s doing better. After getting rolled under the ambulance on June 22nd, suffering major deep lacerations, bruises, abrasions, and a broken hip, Molly is returning to her normal irrepressibility. This is not all a good thing since she still needs time to heal the hip. Chasing rabbits may slow her recovery. When we returned from vacation and picked her up from the kennel, she was using all four feet, something she simply didn’t do a week earlier when we dropped her off at the kennel. Even so, she mostly favors the right rear leg, and has learned the three legged farm dog gait. I hope another month of recovery will have her back on all four all the time.

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In other Molly Bloom news, there’s a beauty of a new blog by Molly Ditmore of Molly Golightly that I’ll be following… Molly Bloom knows style. I wonder if she’ll eventually integrate StyleFeeder and get Halley some ROI for all the BlogHer schwag. But no, StyleFeeder is still part of the TopTenSources bonfire. As the touts at TechHunch point out, it isn’t really monetized yet.