Republicans adapt to technology…

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 3, 2025

    The party of the Bizarre Christian Right should have better things on their mind than a McCain victory. If McCain wins, they’ll be putting off the rapture for at least four more long years. Better to let the antichrist Democrats have it and assure salvation for the true believers.

    We all have family and friends who have failed to receive the Good News of the Gospel.
    The unsaved will be ‘left behind’ on earth to go through the “tribulation period” after the “Rapture”. You remember how, for a short time, after (9/11/01) people were open to spiritual things and answers. (We are still singing “God Bless America” at baseballs’ seventh inning stretch.) Imagine how taken back they will be by the millions of missing Christians and devastation at the rapture. They will know it was true and that they have blown it. There will be a small window of time where they might be reached for the Kingdom of God. We have made it possible for you to send them [email] a letter of love and a plea to receive Christ one last time.

    According to Wired, “The e-mails will be triggered when three of the site’s five Christian staffers “scattered around the U.S.” fail to log in for six days in a row — a system that incorporates a nice margin of safety, should two of the proprietors turn out to be unrepentant sinners or atheists.” So, when the true believers leave for their mansions in the sky, for their forty virgins and a mule, or whatever, be sure to check your email, because there still might be a chance for you to join them!

    Thanks to Alan Herrell for the pointer.

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    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Winston 06.04.08 at 5:16

    It would help assure temporal and spatial intersection with the “window” if we could convince them to Twitter it to our personal mobile communication gadget of choice…

    Frank Paynter 06.04.08 at 7:35

    Let’s not expect too much too soon, Winston. They’ve got the email part now. Perhaps it’s up to us to see that our own messaging environment has an email interface. Consider the jabber and jaiku users. They neither tweet, nor do they sow.

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