4th February 2008

Over the top…

She is, to them, an empty vessel into which they can pour everything they detest about politicians, ambitious women, and an American culture they fear is being wrested from their control.

Stanley Fish fishes around the Jason Horowitz article in GQ, but neither man can quite bring himself to call the Hillary hating what it is. Jason? Stanley? It’s MISOGYNY Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls. Oh, if that’s too strong a word, how about SEXISM? I am puzzled about how the topic of “hating Hillary Clinton” could be addressed without either writer (or their editors) making a single call-out regarding the misogyny and sexism that underlie so much of the vituperative ad feminam critiques.

In better news, Bobby Knight finally retired from the dog-food college down in Bush country where he’s been teaching the game since he was exiled from the civilized world.

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posted in Politics | 7 Comments

4th February 2008

Si, se puede!

I’ve been shy about picking a candidate to support for President. Until Edwards dropped out I had hoped for a brokered convention that could bring serious change, an opportunity for the people to have input to the Democratic party’s platform, a chance that we could break through the walls of deceit and propaganda to some clarity regarding holding corporations accountable, an opportunity to tax corporations to begin the reparation of the damage they’ve done to our environment, to our institutions, to the world. I had hoped for an opportunity to have voice in the decision to end war and reassert the value of diplomacy in our international relations. I had hoped for a reasonable approach to the provision of human services, an approach that drove the engine of private enterprise fueled by profit and greed away from this most public sector of our culture and economy. I still think we can force a change. And I’ll still be happy to vote for either Clinton or Obama in the fall. And I think we can make a difference by letting our voices be heard. Yes we can.

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