No Telecom Immunity, a post in lieu of spam

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 25, 2025

    This is a blog post in lieu of spam… rather than fill people’s email with my request, I’m asking you here to please go to the PFAW website and add your voice to those who refuse to let AT&T off the hook for their serious transgressions in the area of illegal wiretapping for the Bush administration. For more information on this see the Wikipedia article on Hepting vs. AT&T and

    EPIC’s page concerning warrantless NSA domestic spying
    Recent Infoworld article regarding Telecoms lobbying for amnesty
    Ryan Singel’s Wired Blog post on the matter

    Dear Friend,

    I just wrote to my U.S. Senators to ask them to reject a bill that would grant immunity to any telecom company that assisted in the Bush-Cheney administration’s illegal wiretapping and handed over their customers’ private information without a warrant.

    Our rights aren’t negotiable. If the telecommunications companies violated those rights and broke the law in order to facilitate the White House’s warrantless wiretapping programs, they should be held to account.

    I urge you to support Sen. Dodd’s efforts to stop the proposed legislation that would grant immunity to the telecom companies.

    Thanks for your help,

    Frank Paynter

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