In defense of class struggle

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 27, 2025

    Class consciousness… I think most people have their share. Each of us has a sense of where we fit in the hierarchy. Some people have upper middle class attitudes and achievements to demonstrate that they’ve earned the right. Others of us have a smaller sense of ourselves. I, for example, am petit bourgeois with proletariat roots. These Marxist terms were subordinated by those cursed French post structuralists, but they bespeak an important way of understanding our society. Some people don’t think Government is good for much, I think well administered public services are only possible by supporting a government that will regulate and provide them. The whole libertarian thing is a product of bourgeois success and the delusion that somehow we each might be Rockefeller with a little luck and a lot of hard work.

    danah boyd wrote recently about the “subaltern” kids on MySpace as distinct from the “hegemons” on Facebook. This distinction is evidently a tortured proto-academic usage that permits analysis of class distinctions while denying the Marxist foundation of historical and economic analysis, and thus assuring a constant flow of corporate grants.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Scruggs 09.28.07 at 4:08

    The “whole libertarian thing”? Oh, Frank.

    Some people ’self-identify’ as libertarians, but that doesn’t make them libertarians. There’s a minimum amount of walking the talk to be done. Otherwise their indentification is fatuous. Babbitt individualists and Gantry conservatives are what they are, no matter what name they steal.

    tamarika 09.28.07 at 5:15

    Hm … gee … you got me to thinking .. what am I?

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