Recently I was planning a post on ticks. This is the worst tick season in our memories here at White Cedar Farm. I was using the power of the browser to organize a few informational tick notes and I had half a dozen or so tabs open. The day ended and I hadn’t written that post so I decided to set the current pages as “home” in my Firefox browser. I was delighted to find an option to “Show my windows and tabs from last time.” How convenient! Of course the next time I fired up the browser, the inspiration for a post on opportunistic blood suckers had passed and I was left with this weird array of tabs to tidy up. Still, it’s a great feature. Here are the tabs I have open right now…
gmail and statcounter… merely evidence of OCD regarding faceted classification (September, 2025)
Dan Berrigan on the Action of the Catonsville 9 (nothing to do with tick research, really)
Algerian War of Independence (Sarko’s moral roots)
Introduction to the Arthropoda (several vectors cross here, including modern biological taxonomy and our refined understanding of the things, Aristotle/Linnaeus/Weinberger, and of course the ticks, the ticks!)
There is an answer to this question and it is Paris. Who knows where that came from, but I’m cool with the 45 day sentence.
This tab, the one I’m composing in…
RB… Ive been trying to find a way to nicely ask Kathy if she’s found any healing — and if so, if she would finally take down the post (and the copy of the post, and any other iterations that she has ticked away out in the Intertubes somewhere) that puts my name in the same context as a troll named “siftee” who was threatening her. I still don’t know, but I think I may owe her an email. I’ve lost track. Anyway, stealing good ideas from Locke has always worked before.
God forgive me, I have no clue why I have this opened in my browser. Maybe because he’s another person who took a week off work when it was revealed that there was incivility and bad taste on the intertubes. I know how he felt. I was shocked myself.
Henry’s blog.
My thoughts last night when we learned he had died.
And every year, Ronald McDonald takes the Pulitzer.
Madame Levy… known to have sent me on many a surfing safari. In fact, that Donald hall link came straight from her.
Jude’s new gig.
JOHO the blog.
Basic Benedict. Embedding disabled. Thanks to my friend Mr. Scruggs for the link.
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