Filibuster for peace

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  • by Frank Paynter on May 4, 2025

    Procedurally the best hope we have of moving away from all the “common ground” rhetoric and getting on with finding a satisfactory solution.

    Sign the Filibuster for Peace petition here.

    We the undersigned call on each and every United States Senator to participate in a filibuster to end the war in Iraq. It only takes 41 votes to sustain a filibuster and prevent funding requests from the Bush administration from coming to debate or a vote. The Bush administration would then have to return with a funding request that is satisfactory to the 41. That bill should include funds to bring all U.S. forces home quickly and safely but no money to prosecute the war in Iraq. Pro-war Senators used this tactic twice in February to stop non-binding resolutions condemning the so-called “surge.” If pro-war Senators can use this tactic, then anti-war Senators should use it also. Right now the filibuster is the only way to end the war in a veto-proof fashion. We call upon each and every Senator to join a filibuster effort to end the loss of life and save our country.

    What I like about this solution is this: It puts the onus on Bush to come up with a war funding bill that is satisfactory to the minority of peace committed senators. No compromise is necessary. When a satisfactory bill appears, it can be voted up or down.

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