Who’s the real meanie and what does that mean anyway? Who will the Mean Kids pick on next? Kathy Sierra? Doc Searls? IBM is a Linux shop for goodness sakes, don’t tell me none of that rubs off on Doc.
Daily Archives: February 8, 2025
What do you know?
Scruggs announces that he’s getting married. Madison gets on the Barcamp bandwagon. Tara Hunt continues to stamp her tiny feet and squint her little eyes and protest too much. Oh well, let the healing begin, poor abused soul. Must be the MeanKids took her to task. Those meanies!
Cory Doctorow is Overclocked. I think that may be Tara’s problem too.
And Godaddy can’t see anything wrong with this blog. Godaddy has been messing with me for months now and I’ve been concerned that it was me, the elaborate complexity of my content (as if), or the frequent WP upgrades to stay current, but now I’m getting 503 errors. This could be good news or bad news, but the implication is that they’ve had a host problem for some time and are now getting around to fixing it. My shared hosting service (why would I need a dedicated server with my modest traffic loads?) is creating a bottleneck that’s taking the fun out of blogging and reducing my traffic to a third of what it was before the performance problems began.
God knows I have a lot of clean-up work to do here… re-writing how I handle linkrolls, tidying up, new coat of paynt… but Godaddy makes blogging un-fun. How long will I whine about this before I change over to DreamHost?