…one big sit-com

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 31, 2025

    Tamar summarizes American culture in a few well chosen words.

    Well, I’m off with a pencil, a tablet and a couple of expensive tickets to the Foo Fighters and Bob Dylan. Beth is under the weather so it looks like one of the tix will go to waste. It’s a pity that Papa Golby is so far away.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Dean Landsman 10.31.06 at 7:11

    FRANK! You mangled the metaphor! Egad. Papa Golby can’t make it because he is tangled up in blue. Not because he is so far away. If I remember correctly, it is Carole King who is So Far Away.

    You could share that ticket with Lily, Rosemary, or the Queen of Hearts. In the jingle-jangle morning they’d come following you.

    Frank Paynter 10.31.06 at 11:08

    Sorry Dean.

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