Glenn Reynolds goes nuts…

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 5, 2025

    Glenn Reynolds, adept right wing propagandist, says today that “the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives….” He says he’s quoting Drudge then goes on to fatuously observe that whether or not this is true, “it certainly complicates things.”


    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Winston 10.06.06 at 5:00

    If Drudge says it and Instapundit endorses, who are we mere mortals to question…

    Charles Follymacher 10.06.06 at 5:18

    political pranking is a standard ploy of the vast left wing conspiracy, right?

    does anyone know if tenure can get you out of parking tickets, too?

    Frank Paynter 10.06.06 at 7:54

    It’s been a year now. Anyone remember Delay keeping his promise to reveal details? Is he in jail yet?

    J. Alva Scruggs 10.06.06 at 8:45

    Glenn “epater les bourgeois” Reynolds is sticking it to The Man and confounding the uptight with his forays into crank PoMo. But in his own very special way, he’s right about untruths complicating things. Lies and canards do make things complicated. He may have also observed that driving your car into a tree complicates the process of getting to work.

    Charles Follymacher 10.07.06 at 7:55

    @ scruggs: hehe

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