URL hurl… blogorexia

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 25, 2025

    I lack the gift of spontaneity, so I mostly stay away from IRC.  While others are sharing their bon mots in a chat room, I am usually typing furiously to catch up with something that has long since scrolled off the top of the page.  I was reminded of this a few minutes ago while fooling around with Google chat in the company of Mr. Bon Mot himself (or Boner as I sometimes call him):  Chris Locke

    Tiring quickly of my descent into phonological nonsense spewage he shared this link as he was logging off…  quintessential IRCage, complete with large trout(s).

    Christopher: blogs are starting to look like real STABLE sorts of entities compared with these Web 2 dispersionary thingies

     me: yup…
    6:03 PM the web 2 stuff requires cash and intentions
     I expect most of it to vanish when it’s time to renew the URL
     Christopher: I mean, we are all writing BOOKS compared to these randomly dispersed chats and comments on the comments on the comments…
    6:04 PM me: sidewalk chatter versus the daily fishwrap
     Christopher: yeah
     me: I\’m sticking closer to the fishwrap
     Christopher: btw, I just blew this puppy up to full page size
     me: It\’s my dream to be the chief and have lois and jimmy working for me
    6:05 PM Christopher: see the POP-OUT doohickey?
     me: the little triangle in th ecorner!
     Christopher: And SuperMan
     me: fuck superman… never writes anything good


     Christopher: yeah
     me: I’m sticking closer to the fishwrap
     Christopher: btw, I just blew this puppy up to full page size
     me: It’s my dream to be the chief and have lois and jimmy working for me
    6:05 PM Christopher: see the POP-OUT doohickey?
     me: the little triangle in th ecorner!
     Christopher: And SuperMan
     me: fuck superman… never writes anything good
    6:06 PM me: I like his specks though
     Christopher: True, he\’s more of a Hero 2.0
     me: those glasses are amazing
      change his whole appearance
     Christopher: don\’t make a spectacle of yourself
     me: spectacular oracular…
    6:07 PM Christopher: sounds illegal
     me: spectacutang orangutang
     Christopher: this what happens in chat you know

    //–>: Clark Fuckin Kent

    6:06 PM me: I like his specks though
     Christopher: True, he’s more of a Hero 2.0
     me: those glasses are amazing
     change his whole appearance
     Christopher: don’t make a spectacle of yourself
     me: spectacular oracular…
    6:07 PM Christopher: sounds illegal
     me: spectacutang orangutang
     Christopher: this what happens in chat you know
      yup… degenerates quickly
     Christopher: desends to the phonological too quickly
    6:08 PM me: u calling me a phono?
     Christopher: moon joon spoon goon
     me: rubber/glue
     Christopher: yes
      roob goldberg
     me: goober

    //–> me: astronaut beverage

     yup… degenerates quickly
     Christopher: descends to the phonological too quickly
    6:08 PM me: u calling me a phono?
     Christopher: moon joon spoon goon
     me: rubber/glue
     Christopher: yes
     roob goldberg
     me: goober

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    Printing 03.21.06 at 5:36



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