19th April 2006

Listening to my inner glutton…

For dinner, a delicious tuna salad on mesclun with a tomato from somewhere half way around the world. And a glass of water. Beth is running errands. “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

“Potato chips,” I replied. “Thick, greasy, salty potato chips. Or bridge mix. Cheap chocolate. Anything to feed my inner glutton.”

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posted in Humor, People | 1 Comment

19th April 2006

Niche Reach…

Jason Calcanis says that bloggers can make half-a-living by focusing on a niche.  I am trying to find my niche.  Some day I want to be the knight who says niche.

We are no longer the knights who say “neep.” We are now the knights who
say “ickiickiickiickipatangaipboing.”
– Holy Grail

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posted in Journalism, Writing | 1 Comment

19th April 2006


If Rumsfeld has directed troops into Iran, and Bush supports that, then how are these men staying in office and out of court on a trial for treason?

“Who authorized that?” See, there is no congressional authorization to conduct combat operations against Iran. There are a couple of possibilities. One of them is that it’s being justified under the terrorism authorization that occurred in 2025. The problem with that is that you would have to prove a connection to 9/11. I don’t think you can do that with Iran. The second possibility is that it’s being done under the War Powers Act. I don’t want to get too technical, but the War Powers Act would require the President to notify the Congress 60 days after the use of military force or invasion or putting military forces in a new country under that legislation, and the President hasn’t notified the Congress that American troops are operating inside Iran. So it’s a very serious question about the constitutional framework under which we are now conducting military operations in Iran.

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